Address : 34 Wretham Pl, Shieldfield, NE2 1XU
Phone : 0191 261 5234
Established in 1992 and registered 1994 Caring Hands is proud to be an established part of the community, helping older vulnerable people to live independently. We are a point of contact for many people who directly and indirectly need our support and we are very proud of what we have to offer. Our positive impact is thanks to the help of our dedicated volunteers, staff and the people we support in the local community. At the heart of charity lies our ability develop core projects in response to listening to vulnerable people living in Newcastle upon Tyne. Our Aim is to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.
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Working Hours : Mon-Friday, 10am-5pm
Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved. Developer by Team Care Hands Charity with ❤️
Pricing & Plans

Choose The Perfect Plan

Discover the ideal plan that suits your needs and unlocks all the features and benefits we offer.

$ 29 / Per year
Regular Plan

Basic features for up to 40 users.

$ 199 / Per year
Standard Plan

Basic features for up to 40 users.

$ 1099 / Per year
Golden Plan

Basic features for up to 40 users.

$ 1099 / Per year
Golden Plan

Basic features for up to 40 users.

$ 199 / Per year
Standard Plan

Basic features for up to 40 users.

$ 29 / Per year
Regular Plan

Basic features for up to 40 users.

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Grow Your Early Stage Startup

Empower the growth of your early-stage startup with our comprehensive solutions and expert guidance.

Standard Plan
Basic features for up to 40 users.
$24 / User
Pro Business
For the professionals
$28 / User
For the beginners
$35 / User